(814) 266-4151
1022 Scalp Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15904
Copyright © 2019 Mr. Muffler, Inc.
Your vehicle is a complex, technically advanced collection of components, and there are
many different pieces that must work together in order for the entire system to operate
properly.  However, with these advances in technology and addition of complex
components come an entire new set of potential problems that can keep your vehicle
from functioning properly.  That is why Mr. Muffler offers computerized engine analysis to
diagnose different types of problems and to ensure that your vehicle is operating properly.

When a problem arises, such as a "check engine" light illuminating, a sensor in your
vehicle has determined that there is a problem of some sort with either the ignition, fuel,
or emission control systems, and these sensors send this information to your vehicle's

Our technicians are skilled in determining the cause of these problems using advanced
tools specially-designed to find the source of your vehicle's problem so that it can be
corrected.  If you suspect an engine problem or if the "check engine" light is illuminated in
your vehicle, do not wait any longer.  Call us today

***NOTE: Computerized engine analysis service is only offered at the Johnstown Mr. Muffler.
(814) 695-2227
1425 Third Avenue
Duncansville, PA 16635