(814) 266-4151
1022 Scalp Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15904
Copyright © 2014 Mr. Muffler, Inc.
Pennsylvania state safety inspections for passenger cars and light-duty
trucks require that the following items be checked to verify that they are
not worn in any way that would affect proper operation:
Pennsylvania State Safety Inspection
  • Suspension and steering
  • Braking systems
  • Tires and wheels
  • Lighting and electrical
  • Glass and mirrors
  • Windshield washers
  • Defroster
  • Wipers
  • Speedometer
  • Odometer
  • Exhaust system
  • Horns and warning devices
  • Body
  • Chassis
Also, almost all vehicles require a visual anti-tampering check, which is an examination of
the vehicle to ensure that no required emissions components, such as the catalytic
converter, have been tampered with or removed.  The state safety inspection is required
annually, and the inspection is valid for one year from the month of inspection or one year
from the expiration of the current inspection sticker on the vehicle.  The vehicle may be
inspected up to three months prior to the expiration month.
Pennsylvania State Emissions Inspection
The Pennsylvania State Emissions Inspection began in early 2004 as part of an attempt
to reduce the harmful effects of vehicle emissions on the environment.  Residents of
Cambria and Blair Counties both require a visual check and gas cap test for any
non-diesel vehicle newer than 1975.  No emissions inspection is required for residents of
Somerset County at this time.  The visual check ensures that the following emissions
components are installed, are the correct components for the vehicle, and have not been
tampered with:
  • Catalytic converter
  • Exhaust gas recirculation
    (EGR) valve
  • Positive crankcase ventilation
    (PCV) valve
  • Fuel inlet restrictor
  • Air pump
  • Evaporative control system
    components such as vapor canisters
    and lines.
***NOTE: Onboard Diagnostics (OBD) Emissions Tests can be performed at the Johnstown Mr. Muffler.
A Gas Cap Test is a functional check that tests whether harmful evaporative emissions
are escaping from a vehicle's gas tank into the atmosphere.  A technician will remove the
gas cap and insert it into a device that will then apply pressure to the gas cap. The testing
unit will verify that the gas cap holds pressure for the period of approximately 45 seconds
and a determination will be made as to whether or not fumes are escaping.
(814) 695-2227
1425 Third Avenue
Duncansville, PA 16635