(814) 266-4151
1022 Scalp Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15904
Copyright © 2014 Mr. Muffler, Inc.
Automatic transmission fluid is an important component that is critical to the proper
operation of your automatic transmission and therefore your vehicle.  The transmission
fluid lubricates, cleans, and cools automatic transmission components.  It also plays an
important role in helping to maintain the proper hydraulic pressure required for your
automatic transmission to operate properly.  It is important to have your automatic
transmission fluid and filter changed regularly for proper vehicle operation.

The transmission flush at Mr. Muffler includes the following:
  • Flush the old automatic transmission fluid out of the system and replacing it with
    new fluid, BG Cleaner, and BG Conditioner
  • Verify that the automatic transmission fluid is filled to the proper level

New transmission fluid filters are also available

Consult your vehicle's owner's manual to verify the recommended interval for changing the
transmission fluid and call us today to schedule an appointment
(814) 695-2227
1425 Third Avenue
Duncansville, PA 16635
Mr. Muffler, Inc. is not endorsed by BG Products, Inc.
All trademarks and logos are the properties of their respective owners.